Historical Marker

Wright Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Denton Rd. about 6 mi. N of Weatherford, Weatherford, Texas
( From Weatherford, take Denton Road (becomes Upper Denton Road) north; at 4.5 miles, turn east (still on Upper Denton Road), continue 2 miles to marker.)
Marker installed: 1986

Located on land given by early settler L.F. Wright for a Union Church and School in 1874, this cemetery is one of the few remaining physical reminders of the Wright Community. Although L.F. Wright and his wife are not buried here, the cemetery does contain the graves of some of their family. The oldest marked grave is that of the wife and child of Wright's brother, R.A. Wright. Juda F. Connell Wright, with her infant daughter, died in 1876. Other families represented here include Byas, Ewton, Erwin, Mitchell, and Moughon. Plain rocks mark some early burials.

Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986.