Historical Marker
Duncan Cemetery
Historical marker location:
2400 Debra Lane, Corpus Christi, Texas
( 2400 Debra Lane)
Marker installed: 2000
Also known as Flour Bluff Cemetery, this burial ground has always been open to the public. It was established in 1908 as part of a land purchase made by Edward Sidnery Duncan (1868-1940) and Minerva Ellen Duncan (1877-1921). Earlier burials may exist here, but records show that the oldest documented grave is that of Mrs. N.F. Stigner. Her gravestone, recording her January 3, 1909, death, was stolen many years ago. Veterans of World War I, World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars are buried here, as are generations of families who have contributed to the devepment of Corpus Christi and Nueces County. Historic Texas Cemetery-2000.