Historical Marker

William Blewett

Historical marker location:
Newton, Texas
( Court St., (US 190), N side of Courthouse Square, Newton)
Marker installed: 1997

(1830-1862) Georgia native William Blewett came to Texas with his family in 1849. They settled first in Jasper County, where he was district surveyor about 1853. He married a cousin, Nancy Adams; they later became the parents of 6 children. In 1858 they moved to Newton and William opened the Blewett & Company Mercantile near this site with his cousin Adam Adams. When the Civil War broke out, Blewett was a leader in organizing a company of local volunteers that became part of Company G, 13th Texas Cavalry. He served as a captain and died in Arkansas in 1862. (1997)

Incise on base: Donated by Blewett Descendants.