Historical Marker

Trout Creek Missionary Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
US 87, Newton, Texas
( 18 mi. S on US 87, then W 0.2 mi. (Trout Creek Community))
Marker installed: 2002

Trout Creek Missionary Baptist Church

Local oral tradition holds that the Trout Creek Missionary Baptist Church was organized in 1876. An early church building had that year inscribed on it, and the congregation celebrated its centennial in 1976. The earliest church files date to 1899, with no record of the organization date or charter members. The congregation worshiped for several years in a community building, used as a school, community center and worship place for area Baptists, Congregational Methodists and Pentecostals. The Baptist congregation later bought the building and site, and constructed a new sanctuary in 1956.

In 1958, the church held its first full-time services with its first full-time pastor. Until that time, early church pastors had been missionaries with the Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Association and Missionary Baptist Association of Texas, or part-time preachers employed by the congregation. During its first several decades, the church was served by several preachers and lay leaders. One important figure was elder Johnny Bean (d. 1957), a deacon and licensed minister. "Uncle Johnny" led Sunday School classes and held singing classes for the children, acting as Sunday School superintendent, teacher, song director. He also served as treasurer and assisted with baptisms, which took place in the spring-fed waters of nearby Trout Creek until a baptistery was built in the late 1960s.

The Trout Creek congregation has shown dedication to missionary work. The Ladies Auxiliary group has ministered to those in need of food, care and aid, and youth programs have included Bible studies, camps, field trips and service activities. The church today donates heavily to the service programs of its affiliate associations and continues to grow in membership and in strength.
