Historical Marker
Raleigh Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Frost, Texas
( From Blooming Grove, go S. on FM 55 about 5 mi., go W. on FM 744 about 2 1/2 miles to NW 3020, go SE about 4/10 mile to gate on E. side of Rd, follow dirt Rd 2/10 mi. to cemetery (on private prop))
Marker installed: 1984
Raleigh Cemetery was named for the community of Raleigh, an early settlement in Navarro County. Raleigh's post office was established in 1900, and for a time the town maintained a church, grist mill, blacksmith shop and school. Although the first marked grave is that of Lauretty Frost (1852-54), Raleigh Cemetery was not mentioned in the Navarro County deed books until 1885, when A. Barry and his wife, M. E. Barry, set aside 1.5 acres of land for a burial ground. The cemetery, which is still in use, contains approximately 170 graves.