Historical Marker
Lawrence Family Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Dawson, Texas
( 20664 FM 709 N, 4 mi. north of Dawson)
Marker installed: 1976
Situated on the 1835 land grant of David McCandless (1791-1876), who came to Texas as a Robertson colonist, this cemetery site was later owned by his daughter and son-in-law, Macca Orange (1831-1925) and Joseph Thompson Lawrence (1825-1885). The cemetery was opened in 1868 with the burial of their 6-year-old daughter, Sarah Medora. The graves of another daughter, Ann Eliza (1853-1942), and her husband, George Washington Savage (1826-1899), are also here. Deeded by Macca Lawrence in 1913, the burial plot is maintained by descendants.