Historical Marker

Chatfield United Methodist Church

Historical marker location:
4937 FM 1603, Chatfield, Texas
( FM 1603, about 12 miles north of Corsicana in Chatfield)
Marker installed: 1976

In 1846, the Rev. J. E. Ferguson, whose son was to be a governor of Texas, preached to Methodists in this area. Robert Hodge, who founded Chatfield, built a brush arbor and let camp meetings be held at his spring. In 1858 he donated a site for a lodge hall, where all faiths worshipped for years. In 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Nail McMullan gave the Methodists a site for a church of their own. Peak membership came in 1896 under the Rev. George Clark. The original building was destroyed by a storm in 1937; the present one was completed in 1938.
