Historic Cemetery

Judd Cemetery

6005 TX-7, Nacogdoches, Texas 75964
Location: In Attoyac on FM 95; north to CR 388. East on 388 .6 miles to CR 389. East on CR 389 as it eventually curves back north a total of 1.6 miles to end of road at trailer house. Go west into clearing (Mike Pinkston Private Property) due west of trailer house to second grass road through pine plantation on south side. Follow grass road southward .2 miles to deer stand and small grove of dying oak trees behind it. Cemetery is in oak grove.This site is located inside a small grove of dying oaks. The oaks have fallen and grown through the iron fence and the markers. The site is almost inaccessible because of the fallen trees and brush.Visible markers at site:Callie JuddJune 20, 1829May 20, 1893Foot markerNancy J. Wife of H. B. JuddJuly 2, 1829Nov. 2, 1874M. E. S. Footstone, located opposite of fallen base without headstoneBroken piece of marble under oak branch without inscription*H. B. Judd is probably buried here but there is no visible headstone.

To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.

The Historic Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.

A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or agency may submit a request for designation.