Historical Marker

Judson Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
Cayuga, Texas
( from Cayuga go north 1 mi. on FM 59, then east .25 mi. on FM 2961, then north on CR 491A to church)
Marker installed: 1985

This congregation was organized in 1854 when the Fosterville Baptist Church divided its membership to better serve the growing population of Anderson County. County pioneers R. R. Morrow and J. H. Rowland were chief organizers of the 21 charter members. Morrow served as their first pastor.

Judson Baptist Church met for worship services in a brush arbor near Hall Branch Creek until its first sanctuary was constructed on land provided by Martin and Nancy Haywood. By 1891, membership had grown such that a larger church building was erected. Over the years, Judson Baptist Church facilities have been enlarged or relocated to adapt to population shifts in northwest Anderson County. After the congregation moved to this site in 1924, members farmed the surrounding land and used the proceeds to pay off the church debt.

Throughout its history, Judson Baptist Church has provided significant service and leadership to the Cayuga community and to those in the surrounding rural area. Its members have continued to uphold the ideas and traditions of their pioneer founders. (1985).