Historical Marker
Mullin United Methodist Church
Historical marker location:
RR 5735, S of US 84, Mullin, Texas
( RR 5735, 1 block south of intersection of US 84 and RR 5735, Mullin.)
Marker installed: 1977
Charles Mullins, for whom this town was later named, came here with cattle in 1857. By tradition, a Methodist circuit rider preached at his home. The date of the church's founding is uncertain. Worship was held in Mullin Schoolhouse for years. In 1893, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin gave this site and in 1896 a building was constructed under leadership of The Rev. Marion Mills. After a 1919 cyclone wrecked that building the present native stone church was erected in 1920, using much material from original structure.