Historical Marker

Zion United Church of Christ

Historical marker location:
Waco, Texas
( From Waco, take IH-35 South about 7 miles, church is on north-bound (east) side of IH-35, 6347 S. IH-35, Waco.)
Marker installed: 1972

First mission congregation of the Evangelical Church in Texas. Initial services were held for German-speaking people of Waco by The Rev. Friederich Werning (1843-1931) in Presbyterian Church. Frame structure built on this site in 1882 was replaced in 1914 (for $10,000) by present church. Use of German ceased in 1931 when members were using English in homes. The denominational affiliation of congregation has been determined by mergers in which Evangelical and Reformed Church and, later, the United Church of Christ were created.