Historical Marker

R. E. B. Baylor

Historical marker location:
Speight Ave., Waco, Texas
( In front of Pat Neff Hall on speight ave. Baylor Campus, Waco.)
Marker installed: 1936

(Front) Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor 1791-1873. Founder of Baylor University under the Republic of Texas 1845, donor of the first thousand dollars to the institution; president of the first board of trustees. Professor in the first law faculty. He exemplified in his life the motto of Baylor University "Pro Ecclesia Pro Texana." (Right) CONSTRUCTIVE STATESMAN-JUDGE BAYLOR. Was a member of the Kentucky legislature, congressman from Kentucky, congressman from Alabama, United States Senator from Alabama. He served five years as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas. Twenty years as district judge for the state courts. As commander of a company in the War of 1812 and as a soldier in the Creek and Indian war, Mexican War and the Texas-Indian War. (Left) RELIGIOUS LEADER-JUDGE BAYLOR. Organized the Union Association. The first Baptist organization in Texas. Presented the first report in behalf of Christian education in Texas. He was the first president of the Texas Educational Society, sponsor of a free public school system. Preacher and lawyer. He preached the first sermon and held the first court in Waco giving direction and destiny to Texas by upholding the law and proclaiming the Gospel. (Back) Erected by the state of Texas 1936 with funds appropriated by the federal government to commemorate one hundred years of Texas Independence.