Historical Marker
Proctor Springs
Historical marker location:
Waco, Texas
( Take N. 4th past Herring into Cameron Park, take right on Proctor Springs Rd (first right), sign is to the right of pavilion - follow path to Springs (and sign))
Marker installed: 1971
One of numerous watering sites used by frontiersmen; a picnic spot for early Waco. Deeded on May 24, 1910, by Mrs. William (Flora B.) Cameron and family to city of Waco as original grant for William Cameron Park--named in honor of the deceased (1899) civic leader and businessman. The original 125-acre park was increased to 500 acres in 1920.
In keeping with park's theme of "natural scenic beauty to be preserved for the pleasure of the people", the Waco Garden Club in 1970 restored the bird sanctuary, arboretum, and native wild flower preserve.