Historical Marker
Lone Oak Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Mart, Texas
( From Mart go about 3.8 mi NW on FM 939 go east on FM 2957 to Lone Oak Cemetery Rd; cemetery is just off FM 2957.)
Marker installed: 1980
This community burial ground originally served the pioneer settlers of the surrounding area. Trustees of the Lone Oak School purchased the site in 1880 from A.C. Neil and L.M. Cravens. Although set aside for a church and school, it was used as a cemetery by September 1881 when the infant son of J.C. and S.D. Goodman was buried here. Also interred here are several Confederate veterans and one Union veteran of the Civil War. The Lone Oak Cemetery Association was established in 1949 and a perpetual care trust fund was started in 1967.