Historical Marker
First Baptist Church of Mart
Historical marker location:
601 Texas Avenue, Mart, Texas
( 601 Texas Ave (SH 164), Mart)
Marker installed: 1977
The Rev. Thomas D. Suttle (1840-1900) and 18 Baptists assembled on April 28, 1878, under a large elm tree at the present site of Mart City Cemetery (1 mi. SE). There they organized the first church in the town of Mart, originally named Willow Springs. Near the tree, the fellowship built a church which also served as a schoolhouse. Burials in the adjacent cemetery began in 1880. During the pastorate of the Rev. B.F. Tatum (1853-1928), 1889-96 and 1899-1900, membership almost quadrupled. In 1893 the church moved to Navarro Avenue and in 1906 to the present location. (1977).