Historical Marker

Columbus Avenue Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
Waco, Texas
( 1300 Columbus Ave. (13th & Columbus) Waco)
Marker installed: 1990

On December 24, 1900, a group of Baptists living in the newly developed north Waco neighborhood gathered together at the home of J.T. Strother to discuss the formation of a new congregation. With assistance from the first Baptist Church of Waco, which granted lettersof transfer to twenty-three of its members, the north Waco Baptist Church officially began in Januarly 1901.

Early worship services were held in the second Presbyterian Church and inthe YMCA building until land at this site was acquired in March 1901. The church was renamed Columbus Street Baptist Church. The Rev.R. G. Bowers was called as first Pastor in may, and a Small frame sactuary was ereected in October 1901.

Continued growth over the years led to construction of larger facilities. In 1926 the church when the street was renamed.

Throughout its history, this congregation has mainatained a strong community involvement, ministering to the elderly, students, waretime soldiers stationed at nearby camps, the deaf, and disadvantaged, as well as to mission congregations througout the city.