Historical Marker

Austin Avenue United Methodist Church

Historical marker location:
1300 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas
( 1300 Austin (13th Austin), Waco)
Marker installed: 1990

At the close of the nineteenth century, when it was determined that Waco's Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, south (now First United Methodist Church) had grown too large, its members petitioned the denominaiton conference of the organization of another congregation in Waco. As a result, the quarterly conference approved the establishment of Austin Avenue Methodist Church on December 31, 1900. The Rev. John R. Nelson was appointed to organize the new congregation. Three lots were purchased at the corner of Austin Avenue and 12th street for a church building. The congregation was offically chartered on December 29, 1901, with a membership of 81,and a sanctuary was completed in April 1902. The congregation experienced a steady growth that paralleled that of its neighborhood. When the first building became too small for the growing church, it was sold to Trinity Presbyterian Church, and a new Methodist structure was built at Austin Avenue and 13th street. Throughout its history, this church has served its community with a variety of outreach programs. It continues to be an important part of Waco's history.