National Register Listing

Maverick County Courthouse

Public Sq., Eagle Pass, TX

The courthouse possesses architectural and historical significance.Architecturally, the form of the original section with its angled corners is unusual in Texas. In addition, the brick detailing is noteworthy. Historically, the building has been the center of county government for nearly a century.

Located adjacent to the southwest border of Texas, Maverick County was created in 1856, but was not organized until 1871--it was named for Samuel A. Maverick who served Texas during the Revolution and who later became a prominent political figure. The area had been traversed by numerous expeditions in Spanish colonial days.

Anglo-American settlement began in 1849 when the United States Army established Fort Duncan. During the following year the town of Eagle Pass was laid out. Early residents included discharged soldiers and California-bound immigrants who became stranded. However, life in the area was accompanied by numerous hardships; the climate was aria making agriculture difficult; then Indian hostilities made settlement hazardous. The county population at the time the present courthouse was erected was probably under 4,000.

Located adjacent to the Rio Grande, Eagle Pass was made the county seat. During the nineteenth century its main activities were trade and military related work.Immediately after the county was organized, a house was rented for "court purposes." In 1872 taxpayers conducted a meeting to propose ways and means to pay for a courthouse and jail. Subsequently, bonds were sold and a tax levied to pay them off. The following year plans were adopted, although a site had not yet been selected. Finally, by1878 a building containing a courtroom and jail, apparently of wood frame construction, was furnished. However, this soon proved inadequate.In 1884 county commissioners noted that a new courthouse was "imperative." Soon thereafter the plans of Wahrenberger and Beckman of San Antonio were accepted. At the end of July bids were received and the contract awarded to William Hausser. It was accepted shortly thereafter.

Local significance of the building:
Politics/government; Architecture

Listed in National Register of Historic Places in 1980.

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation’s historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America’s historic and archeological resources.