Historical Marker

First United Methodist Church of Palacios

Marker installed: 2003

Matagorda County was organized in 1837, and two years later area residents established the Matagorda Methodist Church. Decades later, in 1903, a group of people met in a one-room schoolhouse and organized the First Methodist Church of Palacios. The Rev. W.H. Nelson led the new congregation, which continued to meet in the schoolhouse until 1905. Church members built Pioneer Hall, a place of worship for all of Palacios. They soon added a parsonage and, in 1912, built a larger sanctuary next to Pioneer Hall. In addition to new facilities, the congregation developed new programs, including the youth group, known then as the Epworth League, and a choir. Member Julius Cunningham gave a church bell to the congregation; it rang for many years in the bell tower and is now located outside the sanctuary. Other members supported the congregation by donating furnishings for communion and offerings.

Palacios’ population greatly increased during World War II, as the military established a greater presence at Camp Hulen. The church offered its facilities for Red Cross Work, and members worked at the U.S.O. and rented rooms to military families. Later, church membership increased, and new programs began, including the Methodist Men and Rebecca Circle.

Although Hurricane Carla damaged much of the church property in 1961, the congregation has continued to add new buildings and services, including education programs and childcare, as well as youth and senior activities. More than a century after it began, the First United Methodist Church of Palacios continues to play an important role in the lives of its members and its community.
