Historical Marker


Historical marker location:
Markham vicinity, Texas
( 5 miles west of Markham on FM 1468 right-of-way)
Marker installed: 2001

Originally part of land granted to early colonist Henry Parker, this was a rural farming and ranching area until 1908 when F. J. Hardy discovered oil and formed the Hardy Oil Company. By 1911, F. J. Clemenger had settled in the community, then known as Hardy. After Clemenger purchased Hardy's holdings and further developed oil fields in the area, the community was renamed Clemville in his honor and a post office was established in 1911. Clemville became an oil boomtown, with schools, a church, residences, hotels, a general store and machinist shops. As the economy slowed in the 1930s, Clemville's population began to dwindle. By the end of the 20th century, little physical evidence remained of the once booming oil town. (2001).