Historical Marker

Vernon Dalhart

Marker installed: 1981

(April 6, 1881 - September 15, 1948) Born in Jefferson, Vernon Dalhart (Marion Try Slaughter II) began his career here at Kahn Saloon, starred later in operas in New York, and recorded for Edison's talking machine. His rendition of "The Prisoner's Song" (1924) was the first folk ballad to sell over a million records, and led to the rise of country music as an American art form. Dalhart is said to have made over 3,500 records, many under assumed names. Nostalgia for Jefferson echoed in his "Caroline," "Bully of the Town," and other hits. Within ten years he earned and lost a fortune, later living in obscurity.

Incise in base: Marker sponsored by the Hoblitzelle Foundation.