Historical Marker

Six Mile School

Historical marker location:
Llano, Texas
( 7.5 mi. S of Llano on CR 2323; E on local road)
Marker installed: 1999

Six Mile community was established in the 1880s. Most residents farmed, ranched or worked in granite quarries. The land around this site was donated to Llano County by William A. and Jane E. Stevens for a school and cemetery in 1883. The first school, called Union School, was erected in 1884. In 1898 it was renamed Six Mile School. Like many rural schools, it was in operation only a few months at a time so that students could assist their families with farm labor. After the local Methodist church closed in the early 1900s the schoolhouse and land around it became the site of church services and revivals for the community. The schoolhouse was renovated in 1930. Classes were held at Six Mile School until 1945. (1999).