Historical Marker

One of the Trails of Ranald S. MacKenzie

Historical marker location:
FM 1072, 0.5 mi. South, Fieldton, Texas
( from Fieldton, take FM 1072 south, about .5 miles)
Marker installed: 1977

Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie (1840-89) of the United States Army was ordered in the 1870s to conquer Indians of Texas frontiers. He led 240 enlisted men and eight officers in an expedition along the draw here. Heading toward New Mexico, he hoped to break up a ring of traders paying Indians to steal cattle and horses. He marched past this point about August 1, 1872, in a swift, secret move against the traders. The path beaten out by his men was serviceable later to scouts and settlers. Its traces are still known as Mackenzie's Trail. (1977).