Historical Marker

Site of Creed Taylor Ranch Home

Historical marker location:
FM 479, Junction, Texas
( 19 miles East of Junction Via FM 479 on private road just west of James River about 1/2 mile off FM 479 (private property))
Marker installed: 1967

A two-story ranch house of native stone was built here in 1869-71 by Creed Taylor, veteran of Texas War for Independence. Considered the finest home west of San Antonio, it burned in 1926. Rebuilt by Dillard Stapp, it again burned down in 1956.

Taylor (1819-1906) fought in the Battle of Gonzales in 1835, and later in the Battle of Concepcion and the Siege of Bexar. Joined the Texas Rangers in 1840 and fought in Plum Creek Battle. In 1841, he joined Rangers, serving under Capt. Jack Hays in Bandera Pass Indian fight, Battle of Salado, and the Mexican War of 1846.