Historical Marker

Rising Star Lodge No. 429, A.F. & A.M.

Historical marker location:
Center Point, Texas
( located on San Antonio Street, just S of the Guadalupe River in Center Point)
Marker installed: 1986

Chartered on June 5, 1875, this lodge was first located in a building which was destroyed by fire in 1900, along with all the lodge records. Meetings were held in the Guadalupe Valley Bank building from 1902 until the lodge moved to this site in 1964. Charter members of the lodge were: Miles A. Lowrance, Joshua D. Brown, William D. C. Burney, H. B. Dollahite, Alonzo Rees, A. S. Moore, John F. Moore, Sidney B. Rees, Theodore Wiedenfeld, Stephen G. Wray, George W. Wools, James M. Witt, Samuel H. Wellborn, F. M. Moore, and Thomas C. North.

Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986.