Historical Marker

Joiner-Long House

Historical marker location:
604 Prairie Ave, Cleburne, Texas
( 604 Prairie Avenue)
Marker installed: 2002

Joiner-Long House

John B. Joiner bought land here from P.C. Chambers and built a one-story farmhouse in 1895. Insurance and real estate salesman Joiner sold the house in 1912 to the long family. Joseph Benjamin Long (1876-1939) moved to Cleburne in 1907 and worked as a banker. He wed Lorena Brown in 1909, and they added the house's second story. Long was active in the community and the Main Street Methodist Church. Lorena served as librarian under the Women's Army Corps (WAC) while her two sons were overseas during World War II. The Long's daughter and her family lived in the house until selling it in 1997. The home's Transitional style is seen in the first floor's Classical columns and the second floor's Queen Anne details, including turned columns and a pronounced belvedere.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2002.