Historical Marker

Haley-Smith Cemetery

Marker installed: 2008

Thomas Haley came to Johnson County by 1852. After purchasing land from Henry Briden, he built a race track along the Nolands River and began breeding fine horses. Haley was a captain in Parson's mounted volunteers (4th Tex. Dragoons) during the Civil War; he died in February 1865 of wounds sustained in battle. His is the oldest marked burial in Haley-Smith Cemetery. Veterans Leonard Fisher (Civil War) and John Hubble (Texas War for Independence) are also buried here, along with several Johnson County pioneers. There are nine identified graves, although unmarked burials are believed to exist. Since the 1990s, the Rio Grange Cemetery Association has cared for this pioneer burial ground. Historic Texas Cemetery – 2006 Marker is property of the state of Texas.