Historical Marker

Grandview Masonic Lodge

Historical marker location:
101 Third St., Grandview, Texas
( Grandview, 101 3rd St.)
Marker installed: 2011

Chartered on Jun. 14, 1861, the Grandview Masonic Lodge is Johnson County's oldest lodge in continuous operation. It originally shared a building with the Methodist church near current Grandview cemetery. The lodge later relocated with the town to property owned jointly with the church, whose interest was later purchased by the Masons. This building was sold in 1893, and a new one was erected at the present location. A fire in 1920 destroyed the building, but another was soon constructed. Since its first meeting on Dec. 8, 1860, the lodge has been essential to advancing Freemasonry in the area. Today, members participate in various community activities and scholarships. 175 Years of Texas Independence * 1836-2011.