Historical Marker

Niles F. Smith

Historical marker location:
Sabine Pass, Texas
( Sabine Pass Cemetery, off Hwy. 87)
Marker installed: 1994

A native of New York, came to Texas with Robertson's colony in 1834. He served as a soldier in the Texas Revolution. In 1839 he moved to Jefferson County, and settled in Sabine Pass in 1841. He held many official positions in the Republic of Texas government, including the first banking commissioner, collector of customs and land agent. A developer of Sabine Pass, he built the first steam sawmill and the first church in Jefferson County. Smith supported the annexation of Texas to the United States in 1845. He is buried here along with his wife Abigail and their two sons.

Sesquicentennial of Texas Statehood 1845 - 1995.