Historical Marker

Magnolia Cemetery

Marker installed: 1986

The Magnolia Cemetery Company was granted a charter by the State of Texas on August 3, 1887. The following month the company's five trustees purchased thirteen acres of land on which to locate the graveyard, and burials were soon taking place in the cemetery.

Land acquisitions and expansions over the years have surrounded the Hebrew Rest Cemetery just north of the original thirteen acres, as well as two other burial grounds -- the I.O.O.F (Odd Fellows) Cemetery and a plot deeded in 1876 to "white citizens of Beaumont" (later known as the Public Grounds.) Adjacent to Magnolia Cemetery, but separately held, are the Knights of Pythias and St. Michael's Orthodox cemeteries.

Many early settlers and residents of Beaumont are interred here, including two veterans of the Texas Revolution. The oldest grave markers pre-date the official founding of Magnolia Cemetery and are representative of burials which were moved here from private family cemeteries. a variety of grave markers can be seen here, from simple stones to elaborately sculpted angels and family mausoleums.

(Texas Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986).