Historical Marker
Peachtree Baptist Church
Historical marker location:
216 FM 254, Jasper, Texas
( 216 FM 254 (7 mi. W of Jasper on SH 63, then 0.3 mi. N on FM 254))
Marker installed: 2002
Peachtree Baptist Church
As the community of Bevilport (2 mi. Sw) declined with the decrease of commerce on the Angelina River, some residents moved to Peachtree. Baptists who had belonged to the Indian Creek Church in Bevilport worshiped in the Peachtree Methodist Church and formally established themselves as the Peachtree Missionary Baptist Church in January 1910. Originally part of the Bethlehem Baptist Association, the church joined the Sabine Valley Association in 1935. The congregation held services twice a month until 1951, when they completed their own sanctuary and called a full-time pastor. Steady growth since World War II has resulted in additional facilities and programs for the church.