Historical Marker

Hamilton Cemetery

Historical marker location:
CR 74, Jasper, Texas
( From Jasper, 12 miles northwest on SH 63. Then right (north) on CR 73 at Hamilton Cemetery sign. Then 1.5 miles and turn left (west) on CR 74 at Hamilton Cemetery sign. Then 0.5 miles, cemetery is on left.)
Marker installed: 2017

The Hamilton Cemetery site, also known as Muster Point, is located on the original townsite of Zavala. The town was founded in 1834 and named for Empresario Lorenzo de Zavala. Situated on land owned by Thomas B. Huling, many families were contracted into the municipality and encouraged to settle near the townsite. Zavala’s Colony is one of the oldest settlements in Jasper county, located on the Old Beef Trail and dependent on the Angelina River for trade. Citizens of the Republic of Texas and settlers during the early days of Texas statehood established the Hamilton Cemetery, also known as Old Zavala Cemetery.

John Hamilton was one of the first citizens to serve as guardian of the cemetery. Arriving in Texas in 1836 from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, John fought for the Republic of Texas, and was highly educated and well respected in the community. He was an advocate for educating children, even procuring a public teacher for the town. The first recorded burial at the cemetery is for Margaret Carlock Lowe in 1840. Her husband, Barnabas “Barney” Farr Lowe, acquired over 3,500 acres in northern Jasper county. In 1856, the townsite of Zavala was sold to Mordecai and Elizabeth Primrose. Eventually, the land where the cemetery is located was procured by Allen B. Hamilton with a vision to protect and preserve such a beautiful and historic cemetery.

A Daughters of the Republic of Texas Memorial medallion adorns the tombstone of John Hamilton for serving as a defender for the Republic of Texas. Memorial medallions for citizens of the Republic of Texas were also placed for many of the graves in the cemetery.