Historical Marker

First United Methodist Church of Buna

Historical marker location:
936 State Highway 62, Buna, Texas
( Church parking lot)
Marker installed: 2010

Five Buna citizens came together in January 1904 to form a Methodist Church. The founding members were James J. Hancock, John A. Hancock, Minnie Hancock, Ethel Hancock and Tex Rogers. Later that year, Lee Woody, Alma Hancock, Sallie Edgar, Prentice Landrum, S.S. Fairly and M. Mattox joined the congregation. Early church services were held at the town’s schoolhouse.

In 1914, construction began on a white frame church building on land donated for that purpose to church trustees by J.R. Chapman. The two-story structure was completed and dedicated in 1922. At that time, a community hall was also built on the church property and was jointly funded by the local Masonic lodge. The Methodists held Sunday School on the first floor on Sunday mornings, and it was used to host community functions during the week. The second floor was reserved for use by the Masonic lodge. A parsonage was built next to the church in 1919. Additional facilities were constructed on the church property in 1956, 1965 and 1999.

Several organizations have been founded by congregation members. Epworth League began in 1909 and a Woman’s Missionary Society, now known as United Methodist Women, was established ca. 1919. The United Methodist Men and the Methodist Youth Fellowship are also active. Mission work and outreach activities are also important to the congregation. The church actively supported the Hispanic community of Bessmay during the 1940s. Today, First United Methodist Church continues to serve as a spiritual beacon and a social center of the Buna community.