Historical Marker

Ebenezer Methodist Church

Historical marker location:
Jasper, Texas
( 20 mi. NW of Jasper via SH 63 to E. R 255, then 1 mi. to CR 062 and CR 066 junction)
Marker installed: 1986

Area pioneers organized a church in 1861 which was served by circuit-riding ministers of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. A small log building, used by Methodist and Baptist congregations, was erected on land given by William P. M. and Mary Ann Dean. Destroyed by fire in the early 1890s, it was replaced by another wooden structure which also burned. A third building was erected which served as a church and school. It was razed in 1943, and in 1944 a new frame building was built. After serving the area for over 100 years, the Methodist Church was deactivated in 1965.

Texas Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986.