Historical Marker

Lost Valley

Historical marker location:
Jacksboro vicinity, Texas
( from Jacksboro, take US 281 about 12 miles north to roadside park)
Marker installed: 1970

Marked by "Seven Blue Hills" in distance. To right is Spy Knob -- a lookout during pioneer days. Noted atrocity site: In 1857, the Cambren and Mason families, settlers, were victims of white renegades and Indians. On May 18, 1871, on western rim, teamsters of Warren Wagon Train were killed soon after General W. T. Sherman of the U.S. Army had traveled safely through this valley. On July 12, 1874, the escort part of Major John B. Jones, Commander of the Frontier Battalion, Texas Rangers, was ambushed here, with two men killed. In later years, this has been peaceful farm-ranch area.
