Historical Marker

Birthplace of Audie Murphy

Historical marker location:
US 69, Kingston, Texas
( US 69, 1.5 mi. south of Kingston, reported missing 3.8.18)
Marker installed: 1973

Most decorated soldier in World War II. Born June 20, 1924, to Emmett and Josie K. Murphy, 400 yards east on the W. F. Boles farm. Enlisted in the Army on his 18th birthday while working in Greenville. He was awarded 24 citations for bravery in action, including Congressional Medal of Honor and French Legion of Honor, Chevalier. After the war, he became a successful actor, with his most prominent role portraying himself in the war film, "To Hell and Back."

Died May 28, 1971, in a Virginia plane crash and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.