Historical Marker
Hood County News
Historical marker location:
1419 S. Morgan St., Granbury, Texas
( (originally located on Courthouse Square))
Marker installed: 1974
Successor to "Granbury Vidette" town's first newspaper, founded 1872 by Capt. W.L. Bond and later owned by an 1882 staff recruit, A. W. Crockett (1857-1953), a grandson of the Alamo hero. J.D. Ballard in 1884 started the "Granbury News", later owned by highly regarded Frank Gaston. State Senator A.B. Crawford and wife in 1937 bought from Crockett the last paper he owned, merging it in 1946 with the "Granbury News". In 1964 widowed Mrs. Crawford moved paper into this 1891 building and began to advocate historic preservation--a policy continued by later owners after she retired in 1970.