Historical Marker

First Oil Well in Hockley County

Historical marker location:
FM 303, Sundown, Texas
( From Sundown, take FM 303 about 1.5 miles south)
Marker installed: 1973

On April 6, 1937, this well was completed by the Texas Company (Texaco, Inc.), flowing 502 barrels per day from a depth of 5,023 feet, on land owned by J. E. Guerry (1885-1956). The Guerry family purchased surface and 1/8 mineral rights on 127 acres, in 1929, from R. L. (Bob) Slaughter (1870-1938), who inherited over 160,000 acres of the Lazy S Ranch after death of his father, Col. C. C. Slaughter (1837-1919). Located in the vast Slaughter field, this well was the first of over 2,600 active wells in the county, which have produced over 400 million barrels of oil.