Historical Marker

Buffalo Wallow Battle Ground

Historical marker location:
Canadian, Texas
( from Canadian, travel south on U.S. 83, approximately 15.5 miles, turn left onto S.H. 277, continue approximately 7 miles to dirt road, take right turn, continue about 1 mile to marker)
Marker installed: 1925

Here on September 12th, 1874, two scouts and four soldiers defeated 125 Kiowa and Comanche Indians.

Scouts: William Dixon, Amos Chapman

Soldiers: Sergeant Z. T. Woodall, Co. I; Peter Rath, Co. A; John Harrington, Co.H; George W. Smith, Co. M, 6th Cavalry.

Stand Silent: Heroes here have been who cleared the way for other men.

Erected by Panhandle-Plains Historical Society, September 12th, 1925.

This site marked under direction of J. J. Long, Mobeetie, Texas. Mrs. William Dixon, Miami, Texas.