Historical Marker

The Old Lime Kiln

Historical marker location:
San Marcos, Texas
( from Old Post Road take Lime Kiln Road north)
Marker installed: 1976

This site near the source of the San Marcos River was part of the Thomas J. Chambers grant of 1834. The tract was sold in 1848 to Gen. Edward Burleson (1798-1851), military and political leader in early Texas, who built a cabin nearby. A later owner, former Confederate Major W. O. Hutchison (1834-1900), sold 47.5 acres to J. J. Belger and James D. Cahill in 1887. They erected this brick and rock kiln, in which limestone was burned to produce lime for agriculture and construction. The operation ceased by 1910, when cheaper lime became available. The site is now (1976) owned by the Brown School.

Incise in base: Marker Sponsors: Boy Scouts of America,

Troop Number 112.