Site of San Marcos National Fish Hatchery
Historical marker location:(First Federal fish hatchery in Texas) Established in 1893 on the 25-acre tract known as the W. D. Wood place. In early years the fish produced here were used to stock streams and ponds for sport purposes. Later this site became a pilot plant for testing new techniques of hatchery production. Here too, the tropical South African fish "tilapia" was bred in an effort to introduce non-native fish suitable for game fishing into the United States.
At the time hatchery was built, cost of site was $4,500. Plant tied for fifth place in order of Federal hatcheries founded in the U.S. A water supply dam was finished in 1895 and an artesian well in 1896.
In recent years this hatchery stocked largemouth black bass, bluegill, sunfish, and channel catfish in 15 ponds on 44 acres of land. Fish from these ponds were distributed to waters under supervision of the Federal government, while state hatcheries stocked state waters. Both state and national governments cooperated to supply private ponds free of charge.
This facility closed in 1965 because operation was no longer economical and because the surrounding city made expansion of the plant impossible.
Today there are 90 national fish hatcheries in the nation. Texas has 4 Federal and 13 state hatcheries.