Historical Marker

Swanson's Landing

Historical marker location:
Jonesville, Texas
( on FM 134, about 1.5 mi. N of Jonesville)
Marker installed: 1969

(Site 16 mi. NE; Historic Railroad Bed Here)

A key port on Caddo Lake for traffic to New Orleans, 1830s-1860s. Founded by Peter Swanson (1789-1849), a civil engineer and planter. Cotton, pelts and other products went out and settlers' goods came in at this landing.

1850s terminal of Southern Pacific (first railroad in East Texas), built to Marshall from the landing. During Civil War, 1861-65, road was rerouted to haul troops between Marshall and western Louisiana.

Later, port declined. Steamer "Mittie Stephens" on Feb. 11, 1869, burned near Swanson's Landing with loss of 69 lives.