Historical Marker

El Barrio del Alacrán

Historical marker location:
1900 Runnels, Houston, Texas
( 1900 Block of Runnels, adjacent the abandoned Frost Town street Bramble, about 25 feet north of Runnels within the right of way of US 59.)
Marker installed: 2013

Between 1910 and 1920, Houston attracted a large number of Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans to the Second Ward where the Old Frost Town and Schrimpf's Field neighborhoods offered inexpensive housing for industrial workers. In the 1930s, the Spanish-speaking residents gave the area a new name - El Alacran, The Scorpion. Churches, the Rusk Settlement House, Rusk School and sports leagues provided social and educational services for the community. Urban renewal and highway construction in the 1950s demolished El Alacran. Once a notoriously impoverished neighborhood, El Alacran gave many residents a working start toward full integration into American society. (2013).