Historical Marker

United Methodist Church

Historical marker location:
215 W Main St, Hamilton, Texas
( 215 West Main Street, Hamilton)
Marker installed: 1970

Congregation formed by local settlers in 1850s. First known pastor was the Rev. J. H. Perry, in 1870. Among early members were families of Isaac Steen, J. Hogue Pierson, J. A. Eidson, Thomas Dean, and Dr. George F. Perry.

Pioneer ministers of the Waco circuit braved hostile Indians to serve this church. In 1871 a band stole the horse of William Monk at Indian Creek, forcing him to walk 12 miles to Brownwood.

Members worshipped in various places, then built frame church on this site about 1887. Present structure was erected 1924; wing for Sunday School was added 1953.