Historical Marker

Warncke Cemetery

Historical marker location:
New Berlin, Texas
( 1400 block Warncke Road, 1.2 mi. from FM 775)
Marker installed: 2001

Heinrich Warncke (1839-1908), Elisabeth Eitzmann Warncke (1844-1921) and their two children emigrated from Germany to Ohio in 1868. Within several years their growing family joined other German settlers in New Berlin. Between 1876 and 1882 they purchased nearly 400 acres of land out of which they set aside this cemetery. Five graves remain unidentified, but the earliest dated burial is that of one-year-old Anna Helmke who died in 1880. The Warnckes' grandson, Elmer G. Bloch (1918-1943), a World War II casualty buried overseas, is honored here. The site continues to serve the descendants of Guadalupe County's pioneers.

Historic Texas Cemetery - 2001.