Historical Marker

Redwood Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Seguin, Texas
( 15 mi. north of Seguin on sh 123, 3 mi. NE on FM 1978,.4 mi. east on CR 245 (Redwood Road))
Marker installed: 1996

In 1885 German settlers in the community of Redwood founded a cemetery association. They purchased two acres of land located near Cottonwood Creek for a graveyard from A. H. and Sallie Fleming. A church and schools had been established nearby. The earliest marked grave is that of 15-year-old Lizzie Heidemeyer in August 1896. Among the nearly 70 burials are many of the founding members and their families. The site fell into disrepair but was cleaned and restored by descendants of the early immigrants. The volunteers also placed a gate with a sign and installed a flagpole.

Incise at marker base:

Donated by the heirs of founding association.