Historical Marker

Garza Points

Historical marker location:
FM 669, Post, Texas
( from Post, take FM 669 (Gail History) about 16 miles South)
Marker installed: 1965

Chin, triangular arrow points 2 to 4 centimeters long. Of fine workmanship, with central basal notch and deeply serrated edges, discovered and named here, site 41GR40, an archeological highway salvage dug in 1959 by South Plains Archeological Society. With these fine, thin arrow points, left near 6 hearths for cooking, were found 238 stone and bone artifacts: awls, wolf teeth pendants, tubular bone beads, chipped stone knives, scrapers, drills, choppers and 3 types of arrow points. The Garza people, roving hunters, lived here before 1500 A. D.
