Historical Marker
George H. Nicholls
Marker installed: 2013
According to a Galveston directory, George H. Nicholls was a mariner seeking his fortune in Galveston when he entered the warehouse business. George was the first employee at Geo. M. Steirer & Co. As a warehouseman. Nicholls later formed a partnership with a Mr. Wiley. In 1888, they purchased the business from their employer and formed Wiley & Nicholls. Their company dealt in the warehouse business and freight transfer and was located at the corner of 19th Street and Strand. The business prospered and, in 1893, Nicholls moved into this home, the first home built on 24th street. Mr. Nicholls lived at this location until 1899 when he purchased a larger home at 1413 24th Street.