Historical Marker
Tehuacana Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Pearsall, Texas
( from Moore, take Hwy. 462 North 5-6 miles. Cross the Tehuacana Creek Bridge and make an immediate left (going southwest) onto dirt road. Follow dirt road 2-3 miles southwest to cemetery.)
Marker installed: 1967
Original 1.86 acre site given by James E. and Amanda R. Bandy. First burial was in 1875. Community acquired adjoining 3.6 acres in 1880 for a log church and a day, writing, and music school; added 6.2 acres in 1881 for a frame parsonage and church called Wilson Chapel and Salem Sunday School. Tehuacana Church moved to Medina County in 1900. Buried here are early pioneers: victims of 1882-1884 smallpox epidemics; twelve Confederate veterans; Levi Wilson, one of three original church trustees.