Historical Marker
Brummett Cemetery
Historical marker location:
CR 2871, Bigfoot, Texas
( take Hwy. 472 west to Hwy. 173S - 1-2 mi., then left onto Brummett Cemetery Road which leads directly to cemetery)
Marker installed: 2007
Between Old Laredo Road and Fort Ewell Road, in a locality accessible to the pioneers, this cemetery was in use by 1860, as shown by gravestone of Elijah Ross, aged two. The burial ground was deeded to the public by Mrs. Kizzie Brummett and her son William Brummett on Sept. 21, 1889. Interments have included John T. Brummett (1815-1881), the husband and father to the donors; two Brummett daughters; noted early Texan James Washington Winters (1817-1903), a veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto; also many Winters descendants. There are now (1974) about 275 graves.
Historic Texas Cemetery - 2006.